Riverside County's Favorite Plumbers for Water Heating & Treating!!!!
Riverside County's Favorite Plumbers for Water Heating & Treating!!!!
American PipeSmith Plumbing is a proud to be a Platinum Installer of Nuvo H20 Water Softener/Filters. Installed at the water service assembly, these are great because they save space and time & $$$. It is much smaller than a conventional water softener. The Nuvo H20 uses citrus instead of salt. No electricity and doesn't backwash, saving you $$$ on your water bill. It has a cartridge style filter that only requires replacing 2x year. No salt means it is safe to drink and water your plants with. The Nuvo H20 is FDA approved , so no need to have a reverse osmosis filter in your kitchen to filter all of that salt out and no need to store heavy bags of salt.
Text or Call for a free consultation. (909) 648-5238. You can also check out their website: https://www.nuvoh2o.com
For bottled water quality drinking water, this system is installed under the kitchen sink along with it's own special faucet.